Sunday, November 6, 2011

Revision Questions- Islam

1.     How is Islam like Christianity and Judaism? In what ways are they different?
Islam is like Christianity and Judaism because all of these religions are monotheistic, have angels and demons and are prophetic.
They are different in their view of Jesus and different major prophets (Moses, Jesus, Muhummed).
2. Do Islam and Christianity have different origins?
They are all monotheistic religions but Christianity is with Jesus and Islam with Muhammad.
3. What does Islam teach about Jesus? How does this differ from the Christian belief in Jesus?
Islam teaches that Jesus was true prophet of God, whose message has been corrupted over time. But they don’t believe he was the son of God as Christians do.
4. What similarities and differences does Islam have with other religions? (origins, after life, prophets, commands / laws)

180 BC.
32 AD.
After life
Judged on Earth- Eden
Judged when they die- Heaven /Hell
Same as Christianity
Abraham, Moses, Jesus
613 laws in the Torah
10 commandments
5 pillars

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